Friday, September 18, 2009

New and Exciting Life!

We have finally moved for the last time for a long time! I hate moving! It draining on your body and your mind! So I am excited that we are done for awhile! Versell is working right down the street from out new apartment at 24 hour fitness as a trainer! He LOVES IT.. he eat,breaths and lives training... if he is not at the gym he is looking up new workouts.. its good to see Him find something he loves, God has really blessed him! I am on my final week of school!!! WOO was a long journey from Bryan to Franklin Academy to South Carolina to Wisconsin to Colorado! PHEW!! Thought our long journey God has blessed us in so many ways! Each State, Each City we have learned something about ourselves- each other and our marriage! Now that I am about to be out of school my main goal is to get my license right after I graduate and then get a job and start making some money! My parents are coming in a week with I am so excited about! THEY SENT ALL MY STUFF FROM WISCONSIN TO DENVER! I was shocked they did!!! My Aunt DeeDee is also moving here this next week! So I have so many things to be thankful for!! Pray for our new part of our life- both of us working and me to get a good job where I fit! Until next time xoxo